- Variety
- Cultivation
- Traditional
- Inhalt
- 2L
- Denomination
- No designation
- Harvest
- 2024-2025
- Composition
- Multivarietal
- Zone
- Brand
- La Aldea de Don Gil
Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Carcabuey (Córdoba) produced from theolive varieties of picudo, hojiblanca and picual.
Produced exclusively with healthy and selected olives, collected from century-old olive farms, La Aldea de Don Gil is in extra virgin olive oil of untouchable quality.
The olive farms from which comes this oil are exceptionally Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Córdoba, located principally,in an exceptionally rich and ecological area, like in el Parque Natural de las Sierras Subbéticas Cordobesas, where the orografic and edafolic climate conditions are very unique for olive production, and create an Extra Virgin Olive Oil of maginificent quality.
D3Olivo Biotechnology S.L. It was born in the year 2000, its facilities being located on the border with the Natural Park of the Sierras Subbéticas, a place of extraordinary natural wealth and scenic beauty, located in the southeast of the province of Córdoba.
They produce extra virgin and...