Our Producers


Aceite Aroden Hispania S.L.

Aceite Aroden Hispania S.L. was born in the year 2000, its facilities being...

Aceite de Oliva Valderrama S.L.

Valderrama is a producer of extra virgin olive oil based in Toledo that use...

Aceite Supremo S.L.

Supremo is the result of the efforts of two entrepreneurs: Andrés García an...

Aceites Campoliva S.L.

Francisco Melgarejo and Juana Cordero, constituted Aceites Campoliva, S.L. ...

Aceites Castellar S.L.

Company dedicated to the complete process of obtaining the best extra virgi...

Aceites Elizondo S.L.U.

Aceites Elizondo is a company located in the province of Jaén that makes th...

Aceites Finca La Torre S.L.

Finca La Torre was founded in 210 a.C and consists of its own olive mill an...

Aceites Hacienda El Palo S.L.

Aceites Hacienda el Palo is a reference company in the sector of premium ex...

Aceites Oro Bailén Galgón 99 S.L.U.

Aceites Oro Bailén is a family business that started its activity in Novemb...

Aceites Renacer

Aceites Renacer is a family business from Cordoba dedicated to the producti...

Aceites Vadolivo S.L.

Hacienda Vadolivo, located at the foot of the Sierra Cazorla natural park, ...

Aceitunas Cazorla S.L.

Aceitunas Cazorla was founded in 1957 in Novelda (Alicante), a province spe...

Aceitunas Losada S.L.

Aceitunas Losada is a family business located in Carmona, Seville, and dedi...

Aceto Balsamico del Duca di Adriano Grosoli S.R.L.

Inimitable balsamic vinegar that accumulates the history of a family busine...

Actel S.C.C.L.

Actel is a cooperative company born from the enthusiasm and hard work of a ...

Agraria Vecino Hens S.L.

The Vecino-Hens family develops an olive growing business, located between ...

Agrícola Aubocasser S.L.

The Aubocassa estate (Albocasser) is located in Mallorca, specifically in t...

Agrícola La Maja S.L.

Agrícola La Maja is a family business founded in 1997 and dedicated to the ...

Alain Milliat S.A.S.

The grandson and son of farmers, and a farmer himself, Alain Milliat took o...

Alba Fine Food S.L.

A few metres from El Molino de San Fernando, the Buenavista estate is locat...

Almazara As Pontis - Agropecuaria Carrasco S.L.

Almazara As Pontis began its journey in early November 2008 with the clear ...

Almazaras de la Subbética S.C.A.

The Sociedad Cooperativa Agrícola de primer grado Almazaras de la Subbética...

Almazaras Reunidas del Bajo Aragón S.A.

Almazaras Reunidas del Bajo Aragón S.A. bottles, distributes and markets ex...

Antonio Rey Solé

Extra virgin olive oil FIRST PRESSURE IN COLD, obtained by means of ARTISAN...

Arbequina i Secció de Crèdit S.C.C.L.

The Arbequina Cooperative has been active for over a century. The main crop...

Artisan Biscuits LTD

Artisan Biscuits was founded over 100 years ago as a family-run bakery in D...

ARV Laboratorios

Arv Laboratorios is a chemical company which began its activity in 1996, de...


Baeturia Organic S.L.

Producer of quality organic products, whose main values are: 


Biscuiterie Jules Destrooper N.V.

In 1885, Jules Destrooper opened a bakery in the province of West Flanders ...

Bodega y Viñedos Divina Proporción S.L.

The Divina Proporción winery currently has a capacity of 120,000 kg of grap...

Bodegas almazaras BSI

Founded in 1934, BSI is the fruit of a joint effort and the union of hundre...

Bodegas Perales S.L.

The Álvarez de Toledo family has owned the Perales farm where their olive o...

Bodegas Roda S.A.


The Aubocassa estate (Albocasser) is located in Mallorca (Balear...
Bombons Cudié S.A.

The Cudié family has been making handmade chocolates since 1946. The produc...

Buleo Miel S.L.U.

Buleo Miel is a family business founded in 2001 with the aim of packaging a...


Cafés El Criollo S.A.

Cafés El Criollo S.A. is a family business in Zaragoza with more than 100 y...

Cafés Malongo S.L.

Malongo is a family business based in the Nice region of France. Today it i...

Campos de Uleila S.L.

Campos de Uleila is a family-run company from Almeria that was set up with ...

Capricho Andaluz S.L.

Within the Subbética region of Cordoba, Capricho Andaluz SL produces extra ...

Casa Grande Entre Puentes S.L.

Casa Grande Entre Puentes is located in the region of La Vera, in the provi...

Casa Rustichella

Rustichella d'Abruzzo was founded in 1924 in Penne, a small Italian town in...

Casas de Hualdo S.L.

In 1986, Francisco Riberas, by then one of Spain's most solid businessmen, ...

Castaing 1925

Joseph Castaing founded the Castaing company in 1925. His aim was to spread...

Castillo de Canena Olive Juice S.L.

Castillo de Canena is a distinct and unique company, as it is involved in t...

Celler Masroig i Secció de Crèdit S.C.C.L.

Celler Masroig is the largest producer of virgin olive oil in the Priorat r...

Chatka Seafood S.L.

Chatka sails the coldest, wildest seas to bring the highest quality red kin...

Chorio S.A.S.

Originally from Greece and now trading in France, the Kalios family busines...

Compañía Oleícola S. XXI S.L.

Compañía Oleícola Siglo XXI, S.L. is located in the north of the province o...

Confituras Tradicionales

At Confituras Tradicionales they are heirs to a legacy. They are located in...

Conservas Artesanas Rosara S.L.

Conservas Artesanas Rosara is located in the heart of Ribera Navarra, in th...

Conservas Vegetales y Salsas de Los Palacios S.L.U.

In Los Palacios y Villafranca, in the province of Seville, this family busi...

Conservera Gallega S.A.

The history of Paco Lafuente dates back to 1904 when Francisco Lafuente Tor...

Coop. Oleícola Serrana Del Palancia, Coop. V.

The Vivir cooperative has been in constant evolution since 1990, cultivatin...

Coop. Olivarera de Valdepeñas Colival

The Colival Cooperative began in 1970, with a small group of farmers who de...

Cooperativa Agrícola de Riudecanyes S.C.C.L.

Extra virgin olive oil from Riu de Canyes (Tarragona) is made from the Arbe...

Cortijo de Sarteneja S.L.

Cortijo de Sarteneja is a family project that was born in 2013. Its first p...

Cortijo de Suerte Alta S.L.

The oil produced and bottled in Suerte Alta is extra virgin olive oil, whos...

Cuadrat Valley S.L.U.

The history of Cuadrat Valley is closely linked to that of Catalonia. In th...


Dashang Investment Trading España S.L.U.

Finca La Gramanosa has been cultivating vines and olive trees for over thir...


lasolana2 is a family project, a dream for the future of Cristóbal Sánchez ...

Dolfin S.A.

Since 1989, the philosophy of Belgian company Dolfin has been to blend high...



ECOLIBOR is a family-run business which began its project to produce organi...

Edmond Fallot

Moutarderie Fallot has been an independent Burgundy family business since 1...


Martin Malenfant began producing 100% organic Canadian maple syrup in 1998....

Esencia y Sabor de la Dehesa Extremeña S.L.

The company Esencia y Sabor de la Dehesa Extremeña S.L. has been dedicated ...

Etablissements Bourdic S.A.S.

Etablissements Bourdic, originally a family business, was created in 1975 b...

EVOO Acanto S.L.

The world is changing and we are changing with it. That is Acanto's philoso...

Explotadora Agro-alcudia S.A.

From a privileged location, very close to the Mediterranean Sea and the Sie...

Exttra Original S.L.

Exttra Original SL's mission is to package Spain's finest extra virgin oliv...


Finca Molí Coloma S.L.
The La Boella estate is surrounded by vineyards and olive trees in the Ca...


Gran Deposito Aceto Balsamico Giuseppe Giusti S.R.L.

Modena's balsamic vinegars depend on three conditions: the choice of grapes...

Grupo Valdecuevas Agro S.L.U.

Pago de Valdecuevas oils are made from olives grown in its own olive grove....


Hacienda Queiles S.L.

In the small valley of Queiles, in the south of Navarre, where the Romans a...

Hacienda Valdivieso

Hacienda Valdivieso is the result of the work of a family dedicated to the ...

Havanna Europa Premium Brand España, S.L.

The Havanna company was founded in 1947 and began its activity as a produce...

Hispania Food Company XXI S.L.

Behind Hispania Food Company XXI S.L. is a family linked to the olive grove...

Hispasur Aceites S.L.

In the year 1858, the ancestors of the YÉVENES GARCÍA family decided to buy...


José Páez Lobato Vinagres C.B.

José Páez Lobato is a family-run Andalusian company that has been producing...


La Amarilla De Ronda S.L.

La Organic olive trees are part of the ancestral land of Ronda, in southern...

La Membrillera Artesanal S.L.

La Membrillera represents over 60 years of hard work and enthusiasm by the ...

La Perruche & Béghin Say

Since 1890, La Perruche and Béghin Say have been making traditional cane su...

La Tourangelle Inc.

La Tourangelle is a French-American family-owned company dedicated to the p...


Mademoiselle de Margaux

Mademoiselle de Margaux creates products of the highest quality in a unique...

Mancini Pastificio Agricolo

Mancini Pastificio Agricolo is an Italian company that produces pasta using...

Marchesi Frescobaldi Società Agricola S.R.L.

Today, Frescobaldi represents the highest excellence in Tuscan extra virgin...

Mediterranean Quality Rice, S.L.

The SIVARIS brand was launched on the market in 2006. The originality and e...

Mitelaella S.L.

ECO SETRILL is an olive juice "Arbequina" of very high quality.

It is the f...


Norte Extremeña de Transformados Agrícolas S.A.

The company Norte Extremeña de Transformados Agrícolas S.A. (NETASA), a tot...

Nuñez de Prado Oliva Virgen S.L.
The company currently has more than 700 hectares of olive groves on four fa...


Oleocampo S.C.A.

Oleocampo, Sociedad de Cooperativa Andaluza was founded in 1995. It current...

Olimendros S.L.

Finca Olimendros is located in the Cañada de Albatana, Jumilla, in the nort...

Oliva Oliva Internet S.L.

Oliva Oliva is the largest e-commerce of extra virgin olive oil on the Inte...

Olivapalacios S.L.

Olivapalacios S.L. is a family business dedicated to the production and bot...


Verde Puro is a project created by Pedro Expósito Checa, a young entreprene...

Olmeda Orígenes S.L.

Olmeda Origenes is the heir to artisanal flavors, authentic Spanish natural...

Oro de Melque S.L.

Oro de Melque is a family-run company with a long tradition of olive growin...


Pagos de Familia Marqués de Griñón S.A.

Pagos de Familia Marqués de Griñón is a family-run business whose aim is to...

Patatas Fritas San Nicasio S.L.

San Nicasio potato chips are characterized by the natural flavor of a produ...

Potosí 10 S.A.

In early 1997, a family group with a long tradition in olive growing, and o...

Productos La Higuera S.L.

Higuera S.L. was founded by a small family business located in the town of ...

Productos Mediterráneo Belchí Salas S.L.

Productos Mediterráeo Belchí Salas S.L. is a company with a family traditio...


Rafael Alonso Aguilera S.L.

The activity of the company starts in 1999.

All activities carried out by t...

Real Conservera Española S.L.

Real Conservera Española is the continuation of a family saga of more than ...

Roldán Oliva 1895 S.L.

Since 1895, the Roldán family has maintained the olive oil industry.

In its...


S. Coop. And. Sierra de la Pandera

The Sociedad Cooperativa Andaluza Sierra de la Pandera was founded in 2004 ...

S.C.A. del Campo El Alcázar

BAEZA, in the heart of the province of Jaén, one of Spain's biggest and bes...

S.C.A. Encarnación

SCA l’Incarnation is a cooperative made up of more than 2000 members. Locat...

S.C.A. Ntra. Sra. de los Remedios

S.C.A. Ntra. Sra. de los Remedios produces Oro de Cánava premium extra virg...

S.C.A. San Felipe Apostol

The San Felipe Apóstol cooperative is located in the municipality of Baeza,...

S.C.A. San Vicente

Puerta de Las Villas is the trademark of the Sociedad Cooperativa Andaluza ...

S.C.A. Santísimo Cristo de la Misericordia

Founded on March 13, 1952, it produces high-quality oils. Located in the Si...

Salinera Añana S.L.

One of the main economic drivers of the del Valle Salado is the production ...

Santa Casilda S.C.A.

Santa Casilda SCA is a family business that Jesús Fernández de Castro and T...

Sarityev S.L.U.

Nestled in the sun-drenched mountains near Priego de Córdoba in southern Sp...

Sensolive S.L.

Sensolive is created through innovative formulas and the development of uni...

Simply Spanish Product S.L.

We are a family-run business that, generation after generation, since the 1...

Sovena Group

The Portuguese company Sovena Group has been creating links between the lan...

Sucesores de Hermanos López S.A.

The origins of this family business date back to 1845. From a small olive g...



The history of Tartuflanghe began in 1968, in the Italian town of Alba, whe...

Tequila Cruzplata


A new Tequila is born on the slopes of the Colima Volcano in Jali...

Terraverne 2020 S.L.

Terraverne has its own olive groves and, therefore, its own production in w...

Terre Exotique

The Terre Exotique company was created by Frenchman Erwann de Kerros, an ad...

The Fine Cheese Co.

Fine Cheese Co. is based in historic Bath, England. It was founded over 30 ...

Torres Import S.A.U.

The estate of L'Aranyó, located in the area of ​​Les Borges Blanques, in th...


Venchipa S.L.

It is a company specialized in the production, packaging and commercializat...

Verde Esmeralda Olive S.L.

Verde Esmeralda focuses on creating a legendary product; an extra virgin ol...

Verduijn's Fine Biscuits

Verduijn’s Fine Biscuit is a Dutch family business founded in 1935 and dedi...

Vermut Papatán S.L.

The company Vermut Papatán S.L. was founded in 2023 and just one year after...


Walker's Shortbread LTD

The story of Walkers cookies begins in 1898, when Joseph Walker opened the ...

Wilkin & Sons LTD

The British company Wilkin And Sons Limited was founded in 1885 by A.C.Wilk...



Built in 2010 and equipped with the most modern technology, it is the first...

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